To transition to the energies of the 5th dimension, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the obstacles preventing this transition.
It may be comfortable for those who were born on the material level in this life (i.e., those who lack enough reincarnational life experience for their consciousness to perceive the subtle material plane) to continue living in the energies of the 3rd and 4th dimensions. On the contrary, through their curiosity and immersion into information closed to their understanding, they only harm their cellular consciousness and psyche.
During remote diagnosis, I examine 10 main reasons why a person might not be able to transition to the energies of the 5th dimension. The saying “I would like to go to heaven, but my sins won’t let me” is exactly about this. Even if one of the listed reasons in the diagnosis remains unresolved, the person will continue to live in the energies of the 4th dimension. And in these dimensions, people will continue to be pursued by karma, entities, the effects of the evil eye/curses/hexes, harm from various radiation—things that are completely inaccessible to those who have transitioned to the energies of the 5th and 6th dimensions. Read my article on the website titled “What does it mean to live in the energies of the fifth dimension?”
One of the main reasons is, of course, the soul is not whole, not integrated. You can learn more about integrated sole reading (if you haven’t read it yet) my article on the website titled “FRAGMENTS OF OTHERS’ SOULS IN YOURS, AND LOST FRAGMENTS OF YOUR OWN SOUL.”
Why does the soul lose its particles and become vulnerable?
- Side effects from powerful medical drugs.
- Exposure to various types of radiation.
- Energy from curses, hexes, or the evil eye (these are powerful emotional energy-informational impacts from one person to another).
- If a person has ever been affected by false healers, astrologers, shamans, witches, dark magicians, destructive or demonic entities.
- Karma of the clan/ heavy karma with relatives/ enormous accumulated karma from the current life (ignorance and failure to correct one’s mistakes does not absolve one from responsibility). If these listed reasons are absent, but there is even a small unresolved karma with a family member, the soul will remain whole, but the transition to the 5th dimension will not happen.
Explanation of the listed points:
– When receiving powerful medical drugs, or when exposed to various electromagnetic radiations, the organism’s systems increasingly begin to fail, which may manifest in the form of various diseases, mutations, and premature death in both humans and animals. The soul begins to suffer first. It cannot withstand energy-informational viruses and foreign energy, with which it does not resonate. Later, the failure starts at the physical level.
Each electron, each atom in the human body vibrates at its own frequency. In turn, each cell, consisting of different atoms, has its own vibration frequency, specific to that type of cell, and this continues with tissues, organs, systems, and, finally, the person as a whole. All of these components must vibrate only within their own frequency ranges, interacting with each other. Otherwise, the person will have to expend their life energy to neutralize the foreign impact and restore harmony. And this energy is always insufficient.
– If there have been the evil eye, curses, or ritual curses (there are ritual curses that target the destruction of health, business, sports, travel, relationships, fertility), then there will be energetic breaches in the soul, chakras, and subtle bodies, which create psychological and energy blocks in both physical and subtle bodies, meaning the Yin energy of the Earth and the Yang cosmic energy do not flow in the required amounts, causing many systems and organs to begin weakening physically. You can cleanse yourself from this dark energy, but the soul will remain not whole unless you consciously work with it.
During the reception of heavy dark energy, an energy-informational virus enters the biofield and soul of the person. Physical destruction typically begins with the brain. This is why the first symptoms are headaches or dizziness. Nausea and unexplained malaise appear, along with sudden emotional breakdowns—people may cry or get upset over trivial things that never bothered them before.
Over time, a person might feel better, but this viral energy will begin to infect the souls of various body systems, the souls of organs and cells. After all, each system (immune, hormonal, endocrine, etc.), each organ, and each cell has its own soul, consciousness, and body. First, the soul of the organ or cell becomes ill, and then the body of organ or cell.
When a person receives such dark energies, their connection with the Earth, from which they should derive their main health, is lost.
In addition to diseases, a person often enters a period of misfortune. Just like with karma of the clan.
– If you have a karma of the clan, then you are a karmic finalist in this life. Without eliminating the karmic emotional and informational connection with those with whom you lived in many past lives (karma can count up to 9 generations/clans), you will seriously face severe punishment in the form of serious illnesses (cancer, bone disease, etc.). Misfortunes, as well as physical pain on the path of such a person can appear and disappear.
The person begins to falsely convince themselves that misfortunes happen to everyone, and karma has nothing to do with it. This means that the heavy energy of karma has clouded the mind so much that the person cannot even hear about it, let alone understand, accept, and quickly correct it.
The longer a person remains in these destructive energies, the stronger the dark cocoon grows around them, making it harder to escape. The person tries to free themselves using the practices they were used to, convincing themselves that they are feeling better, but their methods do not work because they are weaker than the grown cocoon. The affected person begins attracting various misfortunes, blaming “bad luck” (ate something bad,- got food poisoning; caught an infection; fell off a chair,- broke a leg, etc.).
No matter how much a person thinks angels are saving them in their troubles, they are deeply mistaken. Angels do not tolerate the informational-energy virus in the person; they are afraid of getting infected and leave the person.
– The same happens if you have ever, even long ago, sought help from sorcerers, dark magicians, psychics, false astrologers, or healers who claimed to be masters of their craft. They always need additional pure energy, which is never enough for dark magical deeds. They hurry to establish resonant channels with light beings without their knowledge, so they can steal as much constructive light as possible, knowing that their “feeding” source may close at any time.
If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to ask.
Energy Diagnosis, identifying the causes that prevent the transition to the energies of the 5th dimension, are available on the website.
The price for diagnostics is individual.
Light and joy on your path.
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