In November 2023, a young woman, L.P., came to me to help her figure out why she could not get pregnant. She had consulted various doctors and healers, but nothing helped.
After learning about her failures, my daughter advised her to contact me.
After conducting a deep holistic diagnosis, I identified the reasons why the woman could not get pregnant.
Previously, I myself did healing and correction sessions for people. Now I offer my book on self-healing, “The Miracle of Divine Healing”.
The exercises in this book heal a variety of deep causes of ill health and life failures.
After doing the recommended exercises, a month later L.P. became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy boy.
We met with them in Liechtenstein when I was visiting my daughter and newborn granddaughter.
When the boy was 4+ months old, I received a letter from L.P. asking for help in understanding the causes of her son’s severe eczema.
“My son has severe eczema, I have tried all possible natural creams, homeopathy and different treatments, but nothing helps. I have also adjusted my diet and am visiting a holistic doctor in Dubai for myself and my son, and here in Cyprus I did a family constellation, worked on the connection with my son to understand if there was some emotional reason from me to him or something like that, because my son does not need to carry my emotional baggage. However, the eczema is still here. So I wanted to know your point of view.”
This time I found dark energy on her from a lot of curses and even ritual curses from her envious people.
The aura was broken and the dark energy spread throughout the body, through the blood and, of course, got into the milk that she fed the baby.
He immediately had a reaction – all the poison came out in the form of a skin allergy.
Treating the consequences (as almost everyone does) was useless, so none of the methods Julia used helped the boy.
For me, the main thing is to find the exact causes of ill health, heal them, and then you can treat the physical body until complete recovery.
And again L.P. did several exercises according to my book to cleanse herself of negative energy, restored Yin-Yang, raised the frequency of body vibrations.
The healing of the mother, and therefore the baby, occurred instantly. The child began to receive high-quality milk.
After 2 days I received a video of a healthy baby, the skin immediately cleared up, only small spots remained, which will disappear very soon.
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