On January 5, I received a sign that the 3rd and 4th dimensions had become 100% polluted with the energy of negative emotions, thoughts, and actions of people living in those dimensions. This energy had seeped into the sphere of the 5th and 6th dimensions, impacting the well-being of those who had transitioned to those higher dimensions.
As a conduit, I once again reached out to the Creator to cleanse the energies of the 5th and 6th dimensions (as I’ve mentioned before, I no longer engage in cleansing the energies of the 3rd and 4th dimensions).
After the energetic and light purification of the 5th and 6th-dimensional spaces, the Creator stated that it was necessary to enclose the 5th and 6th dimensions in a golden sphere, or aura.
Not long ago, the Creator placed the sphere of the 5th and 6th dimensions within a multifaceted sphere to protect it from alien invasions. This worked brilliantly because, since then, I have neither observed nor felt any extraterrestrial incursions from foreign galaxies.
Alien entities continue to invade only the 3rd and 4th dimensions, where everything remains as it was.
After enclosing the 5th and 6th dimensions in a golden sphere, the Creator said:
– On the territory of the Vatican there is a sculpture Sphere Within a Sphere. This sculpture depicts the New Planet Earth in the 5th and 6th dimensions inside the old structure. A different life will begin for those whom I allow to live on this New Planet, which I created a year and a half ago. And everything old with its old regime will disappear.”
The New Planet Earth?! So that’s what it is! Of course, I remember this sculpture, the meaning of which I did not understand, just as I did not understand what information it carried.
So, humans have already begun transitioning from the 3rd and 4th dimensions to live on the New Earth within the energies of the 5th and 6th dimensions!
I was utterly stunned by this revelation.
It didn’t surprise me that the Vatican chose to display this marvel—a sculpture representing the New Earth inside the old one, which is already beginning to collapse.

The walls of the Vatican hold many secrets. If they allowed the creation of Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro, Sphere Within a Sphere, to grace their grounds, they’d known the truth for a long time. The Vatican has all the right answers, which they thoughrally hide from everyone.
The Vatican is the most demonic place; there isn’t a drop of Divine light there (although the Vatican is quite a demonic place, devoid of even a trace of Divine light).
As for Pomodoro himself, he said his sculpture “carries a metaphorical meaning of the coming of a new millennium, the promise of rebirth into a less tormented and destructive world.”
In short, don’t delay your stay in the old world. I can point out the reasons why you may still be unable to transition to the 5th dimension and how to fix it.
Good luck to all!
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