Diagnosis for Transitioning to the Energies of the 5th Dimension

This Energetic Diagnosis uncover the reasons that prevent an individual from transitioning into the energies of the 5th dimension.


– What percentage of your consciousness is polluted by accumulated energy from low-frequency thoughts and information?

Accumulated and unprocessed information in the consciousness, negative emotions, especially grudges, instantly harm the energy of the entire bodily system. The immune system weakens first, infections develop more rapidly, viruses are activated, and harmful bacteria easily settle and multiply. Soon, the accumulated negative energy will flow into the subconscious and root itself there, creating various chronic diseases and problems as a consequence.


– What percentage of your subconscious is filled with old, harmful beliefs, thought forms, and low-frequency programs?

This accumulated and entrenched energy in the subconscious is much stronger than the temporary energy in consciousness. The accumulated energy of negative thoughts seeps from the subconscious and spreads throughout the body, weakening the immune system; it prevents a person from thinking and living positively, no matter how hard they try. Gradually, emotional blocks and energy stagnation form in the organs, meaning that energy and mental energy accumulate and do not release, causing significant harm to health.



When a person’s soul is not whole, they become sensitive and open to all types of negative energies, which can manifest as sudden fatigue, heaviness in the body, weakness, headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms.
If a person’s soul has absorbed fragments of other souls, it becomes harder for them to understand their true essence and realize their evolutionary path. The greater the energy of the fragments of foreign souls, the stronger their influence on the person’s consciousness and the development of their own soul. These foreign soul fragments can cause mental problems. When the soul fragments are returned to their integrity (read the article on the integrity of the soul), it will be easier to restore the function of weakened organs.


  • Side effects from potent medications
  • Exposure to various types of radiation
  • Energy from curses, hexes, and damage (these are strong emotional energy-informational influences of one person on another)
  • If a person has ever been affected by false healers, astrologers, shamans, sorcerers, dark mages, destructive or demonic entities
  • Karma of the clan/heavy karma with relatives/immense accumulated karma of the current life (ignorance and failure to correct mistakes does not absolve responsibility) – see point 8.

–  The use of potent medical drugs and exposure to various electromagnetic radiations increasingly cause failures in living organisms, which can manifest as diseases, mutations, and premature death, both in humans and animals. The soul suffers first. It cannot withstand energy-informational viruses and foreign energy with which it does not resonate. Later, the failure begins on the physical level.

Each electron, each atom in the human body vibrates at its inherent frequency. In turn, each cell, composed of various atoms, has its own vibrational frequency, specific to that type of cell, and this continues up the scale: tissues, organs, systems, and finally the whole person. All these components must vibrate only within their own frequency ranges, interacting with each other. Otherwise, one must expend their life energy to neutralize the foreign influence and restore harmony, and there is never enough of this energy.

–  If there have been evil eye, curses, or ritual curses (which can be aimed at destroying health, business, sports, travel, relationships with loved ones, fertility), the soul, chakras, and subtle bodies will have energetic holes, which create mental and energy blocks in the physical and subtle bodies, and many systems and organs begin to physically weaken. You can cleanse yourself from this dark energy, but the soul remains non-integral if you don’t work with it.

When receiving such energy, the biofield and soul of the person become infected with an energy-informational virus. Destruction on the physical plane usually begins in the brain, which is why the head starts to hurt and feel dizzy first. Symptoms like nausea and unexplained discomfort arise, and a person may cry for no reason, get upset over trivial things that never bothered them before.

After some time, a person may feel better, but this viral energy will begin to infect the souls of the body’s systems, organs, and cells. After all, each system (immune, hormonal, endocrine, etc.), each organ, and each cell has its own soul, consciousness, and body. And first, the soul of the organ or cell becomes ill, and then the organ or cell itself.
When receiving such dark energies, a person loses connection with the Earth, from whose energy they should receive their primary health. In addition to diseases, a person often enters a streak of bad luck. It’s the same as with karma.

The longer a person remains in these destructive energies, the stronger a dark cocoon grows around them, from which it becomes hard to escape. The person tries to free themselves using practices they are used to, convincing themselves that they are getting better, but their methods fail because they are weaker than the growing cocoon. The affected person begins to attract various misfortunes, claiming to be the victim of an accident (e.g., eating something wrong – getting food poisoning, catching an infection, falling off a stool and breaking a leg, etc.).

And no matter how much the person believes that angels are saving them in their troubles, they are deeply mistaken. Angels cannot tolerate the informational-energetic virus in a person, they fear becoming infected, and they leave.

 – The same happens if you have ever, perhaps a long time ago, sought help from sorcerers, dark mages, psychics, false astrologers and healers who presented themselves as masters of their craft. They always need additional pure energy, which is never enough for dark magical deeds. They hurry to establish resonant channels with light people without their knowledge, so that through these channels they can take as much constructive light as possible, knowing that their source could be closed at any time.

6. EVIL EYE. CURSES. RITUAL CURSES (these are emotional energy-informational influences of one person on another)

  • Are there any evil eyes?
  • Are there curses?
  • Are there ritual curses placed to destroy health, business, sports, travel, relationships with loved ones, fertility?

If a doctor diagnoses “Bipolar disorder”, if a person has been in a depressive state for a long time or thinks about starting antidepressants – do not rush to suppress your will. First, it is necessary to identify the cause. And the cause most often lies in the presence of several Divine Spirits (DS) in the person.

Every person should have only one Divine Spirit, which contains a set of individual evolutionary programs for life.

When a person does not evolve, does not fulfill their destiny (even due to ignorance, and ignorance does not absolve from responsibility), the frequency of the Divine Spirit’s vibrations lowers, and the spirit becomes passive, no longer supplying the human being with cosmic energy (Yang).

This is how a person creates karma for their Divine Spirit and gradually loses the ability to manage events in their personal life. These events begin to present various unwanted surprises, and the person’s consciousness may be controlled by anyone, but not themselves.
If a person fails to fulfill their destiny and their soul does not evolve, the first Divine Spirit loses its vitality, and stagnant dead energy forms in the person’s body. The second Divine Spirit then steps in. If the first has not been removed, two conflicting sets of life programs – active and inactive – begin to operate.

A person who begins to degrade may develop a third, fourth, etc., Divine Spirit, and this activates a program for the destruction of both the soul and the body. The person’s polarity changes.

This leads to severe depression and suicidal thoughts because multiple spirits with different energy fields cannot coexist in one body. Doctors diagnose such people with multiple personality disorder.
It is very important to remove all unnecessary Divine Spirits and leave only one that will help the person fulfill their destiny, should they wish to do so.

  • Karma of the clan is accumulated through all previous incarnations via the father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother, and is the cause of major issues in people’s lives. An informational breakdown occurs at the DNA level. It may be inherited from the mother’s DNA. The Tree element will be in disharmony, creating issues with the gallbladder, joints, liver, and adipose tissue. Conditions like eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, allergies, cancer, bone disease, and thyroid diseases are consequences of karma of the clan.
  • Accumulated grievances toward one’s parents, which especially affect the fate and health of an adult, will constantly drain a person’s energy and create misfortunes in family life and business.
  • If there is karma with at least one relative/family member, the path to the energies of the 5th dimension will be closed (“I would like to go to heaven, but my sins won’t let me”). The more a person does not believe in karma, the more karma they have, which clouds the mind. If you haven’t freed yourself from karma, don’t deceive yourself into thinking that everything is fine in your life. It is only a matter of time.

The process of healing the physical body and consciousness will be long and difficult if the main instigators – the egregores – are not removed.

An egregore is a highly organized energy-informational astral entity or structure generated by human thoughts and emotions. In other words, “egregore” can be described as a virtual energy entity, consisting of emotional attachments resonating on the same frequency with dogmas and beliefs.

A person can personally create different kinds of egregors for themselves. When any idea unites a group of people, then a group egregor is created. To be cured or healed of a disease, a person will have to break the connection with all the egregors of his illnesses and remove both the causes of the sickness and the memory of them from the organs themselves, from his subconscious mind, and from his emotional and mental body where the history of all illnesses is stored (as if in a hospital’s data storage).

Individuals can create various types of personal egregores. If a single idea unites a group of people, a group egregore could be formed.


A person who does not raise their vibrations will find it increasingly difficult to maintain their physical and mental health.
If there is a large mismatch of frequencies, the blood vessels suffer first, leading to heart attacks, strokes, blockages, etc. Organs often weaken because they live and function at low frequencies that are not in tune with the spirit of the times.

Any stagnant negative (low-frequency) thoughts, feelings, emotions, diseases, unfulfilled purpose, or lack of soul integrity quickly and sharply lower the vibrational frequency and open pathways for new viruses, infections, harmful bacteria, and so on to enter.

Be healthy in everything and always.

!For an additional fee, I can offer recommendations that will make it easy to cleanse and adjust your energy-vibrational level.

The recommendations will include exercises from my book The Miracle of Divine Healing, which can be recorded. Afterward, simply sit and listen, receiving the necessary positive results that are difficult to achieve through outdated practices/meditations.

Be tuned.

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