Moving into a new home with ghosts. Relocating souls.
What does it mean to live in the energies of the fifth dimension?
Spreading our wings to fly in new dimensions in 2024
The outflow of human energy to the planets
Correspondence with a friend. The miracle happened faster than expected
Installation of the new matrix programs has begun
3rd, 4th, 5th dimensions. What is it? Where are they? Who lives in which dimension?
Are you ready for a transformation?
The new vibrational frequency of the Earth! Hurry up to tune in.
Good news for vaccinated people and all of us.
Conversation with the Creator about harmful radiation
What’s your choice (about anti-covid vaccines)
Reincarnation of animals and humans
The subtle planes of existence
Types of diseases according to Agni-Yoga
Activate your miraculous abilities
Fragments of others’ souls in yours, and lost fragments of your own soul
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